Device Type: desktop

Visual Identity - Pictograms


Pictograms are a more expressive take on iconography that incorporates our gradient and extrusion element to infuse more personality. They exist to make the complex simple and to telegraph concepts more quickly. 

Whether they're standing alone or supporting copy, our pictograms are a tool that can dial the volume up or down on any piece of content. 


Our pictograms are one of a kind and have been crafted specifically for Vonage. They depict technology, concepts, and functions in their most simple and graphic form.

Pictograms are not to be confused with system Iconography, and should only be used when the concepts they are supposed to convey are easier communicated in images than words.

Example of pictograms with 2-tone gradient colors used

Color usage

Pictograms are versatile in their color useage. Any of the 2-tone gradients can be used to fill the pictograms when placed on a white or black background. When filling the pictograms with color, refer to the Extrusion color application. 

White pictograms should be used to fill pictograms on 3-tone gradient and on black backgrounds. Other variations of pictorgram colors, and background colors are not recommended. Refer to incorrect used for details. 

Example of pictograms with gradient colors used

In use

Example of pictograms in use on sidewalk advertising space
For more detailed usage rules download the full brand guidelines
Contact the brand team by email